Hydraulic cylinder seal kits

Hydraulic Cylinder Guide: Seal Kits

By Alexa Yates |

密封套件用于关闭液压缸中元件之间的间隙. 关闭这些间隙是必不可少的,因为密封负责保持液压压力和防止流体动力系统中的污染物.

如果你正在考虑购买液压缸密封套件, you most likely have a few questions. 在这篇文章中,我们将概述你在购买之前需要知道的事情.

Are Hydraulic Cylinder Seal Kits Universal?

Green welded medium duty hydraulic cylinder

Short answer: no.

有许多类型的液压缸改造套件. 每个液压缸都有独特的杆径和内径, stroke length, cylinder length, pressure flow requirements, etc. 一些不同类型的液压缸密封套件包括标准, loaded lip, cast-iron piston rings, and fluorocarbon.

您需要的套件类型取决于活塞杆的行程速度, fluid media, fluid pressure range, and more. 你还必须确保套件中的密封件尺寸合适.

How to Select the Right Seal Size

确定液压缸密封套件的尺寸是一个简单的过程. 你需要卷尺和卡尺来测量. Take your time and be meticulous.

Step 1: Measure the Bore

确定sb沙巴体育投注的内径,也就是sb沙巴体育投注的内径. 用卷尺在汽缸的内筒上测量内径.

Step 2: Measure the Piston Rod

The piston rod is normally a chrome-plated, 连接在活塞上的一块圆形硬化钢. Measure its diameter with outside calipers.


圆柱体的缩回长度是当圆柱体完全关闭(缩回)时,其针孔中心之间的距离。. 你的卷尺最适合这一步.


液压缸的延伸长度是液压缸完全打开时其销孔之间的距离. Again, use your tape measure to obtain this.

Step 5: Calculate Your Cylinder’s Stroke

简单地减去圆柱体的收缩长度从它的延伸长度. For example, if your retracted length was 12 inches, and your extended length was 34 inches, your stroke will be 22 inches.


Carefully evaluate your cylinder’s hose ports, 在哪些地方连接液压管线将流体输送到sb沙巴体育投注. 寻找任何异常磨损的迹象,必要时订购更换配件.

Types of Hydraulic Cylinder Seals

液压缸密封的两种主要类型是:静态和动态. 静密封停留在一个地方,防止流体在没有运动的地方泄漏, such as where the piston and rod join.

另一方面,动态密封用于相对运动的部件. 动力密封的例子包括活塞密封, which control the motion of the cylinder; rod and buffer seals, which manage fluid leakage and lubrication; wiper seals, which keep dirt out of the system; and guide rings, 使所有的东西都整齐,防止磨损. 总之,这些密封在液压缸的有效运行中起着至关重要的作用.

Signs of Failure

当您突然遇到不可预见的故障时,液压缸密封套件是必不可少的. Some seal failures are easy to spot, such as oil leaking from around the cylinder, while others are more challenging. 

A drop in hydraulic pressure, an overheated cylinder, loud clunking or banging noises, 高于正常的震动和振动都是你需要检查汽缸的迹象. 密封失效的其他潜在迹象包括:

  • Excessive Wear:过度磨损往往是由于润滑不足或不当造成的,最终可能导致密封件撕裂和变色.
  • Seal Hardening在高温条件下工作的液压缸会经历密封硬化, eventually leading to cracks, tears, and rips. 
  • Improper Installation在密封更换过程中一个常见的错误是测量密封而不是密封放置的槽. 使用错误的密封尺寸会导致漏油, contamination, 或者压力的下降会影响汽缸的性能.
  • Contamination: 污物、碎屑、污泥、泥浆和其他元素会积聚在sb沙巴体育投注和密封件中. If not taken care of, 问题将继续恶化,直到这些污染物到达活塞并影响汽缸的操作.
  • Seal Fracture: Sudden impacts, shocks, 或者劣质密封件会导致密封件破裂(破裂)。, tearing, or ripping.

Have Questions? Contact Yates Industries Today!

如果您需要帮助选择正确的密封套件,请从我们的sb沙巴体育投注汽缸团队获得帮助. 50多年来,我们一直是领先的液压缸制造商,并提供各种尺寸的液压缸密封套件. 我们的一些套件包括标准,加载唇,氟碳,低摩擦和铸铁活塞环.

当你有你的孔,杆,冲程,和其他测量,通过我们的快速和容易的sb沙巴体育投注 online contact form,我们的代表很快会与您联系.